Ùmhlachd seach sgrùdadh
dhan BhBC aig Taigh an Ròid
The Beeb gets tea and biscuits
instead of a grilling at Holyrood
by Kevin McKenna
The Guardian (23 Jan 2016)
Holyrood’s education and culture committee missed a golden opportunity to ask why raising £323m in licence fees adds up to a budget of £35m
It seems that the spirit of deference that once sustained an empire remains alive within some of Holyrood’s committees [...]Long before the proceedings meandered pleasantly to a close, I was expecting a short adjournment for tea and empire biscuits [...] His lordship was only there, of course, because the BBC is statutorily required to treat with Holyrood over the renewal of its charter. It ought to have been an uncomfortable ride; instead, it was a picnic. Scotland raises £323m in licence fees, yet has an annual budget of some £35m.
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Ciamar a ghoid am BBC an Reifreann
How the BBC Stole the Referendum
by GA Ponsonby
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