mardi, février 08, 2011

Dooyeweerd: Retrocipations (Spatial>Numerical)

Image care of Land of Nod Studios (Flickr)
Simple and complex, directly and indirectly founded retrocipations.
Enkelvoudige en gecompliceerde, middellijk en rechtstreeks gefundeerde retrocipaties.
Ais-bhrathan sìmplidh is casta, 
air bhonn dìreach is fiar.
1) The modal retrocipations can therefore be distinguished into the simple and the complex, and (according to the manner of their foundation) into the directly founded and the indirectly founded retrocipations.
1) Wij kunnen daarom de modale retrocipaties onderscheiden in enkelvoudige en gecompliceerde en in rechtstreeks en middellijk gefundeerde.
1) Mar seo faodar dealachadh a dhèanamh eadar ais-bhrathan sìmplidh no casta, agus eadar ais-bhrathan a tha stèite air bhonn dìreach no neo-dhìreach (fiar).
2) Consider the following examples:
2) Wij geven hieronder enkele voorbeelden:
2) Thoir sùil air na h-eisimplearan a leanas:
Click image to enlarge
3) The analogical meaning-moments of dimensionality and of magnitude in the original meaning [law-sphere] of space are the only truly simple retrocipations. 
3) Als eenige inderdaad enkelvoudige retrocipaties komen de analogische zin-momenten der dimensionaliteit en der grootte in den originairen ruimtezin in
3) Is iad na h-aon ais-bhrathan a tha dha-rìribh sìmplidh, na mòmaidean-cèille de thomhas is mheud am broinn tùs-chiall [raon-lagha] na rùmachd (farsaingeachd). 
4) They are not complex because the original meaning-nucleus of the numerical aspect to which they ultimately refer is not further connected with retrocipations. 
4) Deze retrocipaties zijn niet gecompliceerd, daar immers de haar fundeerende originaire zin-kern niet meer met retrocipaties in denzelfden modalen
zin verbonden is.
4) Chan eil an fheadhainn seo casta a chionns gu bheil bonn deireannach aca ann an niùclas-cèille an raoin uimhreachail, aig nach eil ceangal ri ais-bhrathan a bharrachd aige fhèin.
5) At the same time these retrocipations are directly founded, being connected with the nucleus of their foundation immediately, and not through the intermediary of intervening law-spheres.
5) Tegelijk zijn deze retrocipaties rechtstreeks gefundeerde, daar zij onmiddellijk en niet eerst door bemiddeling van tusschenliggende wetskringen bij de haar fundeerende zin-kern aanknoopen.
5) Aig an aon àm tha na h-ais-bhrathan seo bonntaichte gu dìreach, oir tha ceangal sa bhad aca ri niùclas am bun-stèidh, gun aca ri sgrìob a dhèanamh tro raointean-lagha eile air an t-slighe. 

(Herman Dooyeweerd, New Critique of Theoretical Thought, Vol II/ Part I/ Chapt 2/§6 pp 164-165 [WdW Deel 2 §5 p 107])