vendredi, janvier 12, 2018

Professor Dauvit Broun: ‘Ireland and the beginnings of Scotland’. Trinity College, Dublin.

Trinity College Dublin | Ajoutée le 7 oct. 2015

IRISH-SCOTTISH WORLD IN THE MIDDLE AGES: The 2nd Trinity Medieval Ireland Symposium marking the 700th anniversary of the Bruce Invasion of Ireland (1315 - 1318). 

The keynote address by Professor Dauvit Broun addresses the topic of ‘Ireland and the beginnings of Scotland’. 

Dauvit Broun is Professor of Scottish History at the University of Glasgow and is among the foremost Scottish historians of his generation. He is author of The Irish Identity of the kingdom of the Scots (1999) and Scottish Independence and the Idea of Britain from the Picts to Alexander III (2007). He is also Principal Investigator for the People of Medieval Scotland project (

The Irish–Scottish World in the Middle Ages 
- Highlights video (4 mins 36 secs)

