vendredi, septembre 02, 2016

Scottish Oil: Junkies, tramps and thieves

Junkies, tramps and thieves
Stuart Campbell (Sept 02, 2016)

Fear and lies work. Over many decades (and really for centuries) the Unionist parties and the media have succeeded in persuading a large percentage of Scots that they’re beggars, scroungers and “subsidy junkies” dependent on the ever-generous charity of England to keep them from starvation...

And in terms of the facts, that hasn’t always been an easy sell...

At times, hiding the truth about Scotland’s wealth from its people has been a task requiring subterfuge and secrecy at the highest levels...

And when faced with expert calculations proving that since the discovery of North Sea oil Scotland has subsidised the rest of the UK to the tune of tens of billions of pounds, and would in fact have been in significant surplus over the total period – even including the last couple of years of supposed £15bn “black holes” – that inconvenient data was quietly ignored...

(with extensive media images)