lundi, juin 22, 2015

CommonSpace Launch (video)

Publiée le 22 juin 2015
"A major legacy of the Scottish Referendum is the rise of the alternative media. CommonSpace represents an important new voice in Scotland's new media landscape. As the new Scottish media develops, the focus is now on maintaining the diversity of outlets in a way that is sustainable. Editor Angela Haggerty explains more about CommonSpace, the ambitions and challenges for the future. Thoughts on the journey ahead from Derek Bateman (Newsnet), Jack Foster and James Devoy (Newsshaft), James Kelly (ScotGoesPop) and William Duguid (To September and Beyond).

The new Scottish media needs a new funding model. One idea floated is a central funding portal to gather money and then distribute based on need. Could 20,000 people pay direct debit of £5 or 10 a month to help support and grow our vitally important new Scottish media?"

For more information: Common Space 
Live coverage of event by: Independence Live   Youtube

Visit also:
Wings Over Scotland
Ponsonby Post
Thought Control Scotland (Prof John Robertson)
Business for Scotland
Wee Ginger Dog
Lallands Peat Worrier
Craig Murray
Munguin's Republic
Michael Greenwell