dimanche, mars 28, 2010

Nicholas Wolterstorff: Faith & Liberal Democracy/ Creideamh agus Daonlathas Liobralach (físeán)

Creideamh agus Daonlathas Liobralach
Miroslav Volf a' dèanamh agallaimh le Nicholas Wolterstorff bho Oilthigh Yale mu àite a' chreidimh san daonlathas liobralach.  Tha Wolterstorff a' beachdachadh air neartan agus laigsean chaochla sheasamhan saoghalta is creidmheach a-thaobh ceartais agus beatha poblaich, a' tagradh cùise buinteanas thuigsean cràbhach ann an daonlathasan meòrachail. (12 Faoilteach 2009)

Faith and Liberal Democracy
Miroslav Volf interviews Nicholas Wolterstorff of Yale University about the place of faith in liberal democracy. Wolterstorff discusses the strengths and weaknesses of various secular and faith-based conceptions of justice and the public sphere, making a case for the relevance of religiously shaped discourses in deliberative democracies. (12 January 2009)