"Gealach nam Beann" (Tsukioka Yoshitoshi 1839 - 1892)
Cha toir feallsanachd na h-Idèa cosmonòmaich breith air cùisean nach buin ri breitheanas mhic-an-duine, ach leanaidh i ri fèin-mheas bunaiteach an smaointeir.
The philosophy of the cosmonomic Idea does not judge about matters over which no judgment belongs to man, but leads to fundamental self-criticism of the thinker.
As one sees, the referring of a philosophic system to its transcendental ground-Idea leads to a radical sharpening of the anti-thesis in philosophic thought and to the discovery of really stern truths. But immanence-philosophy may not complain about this, for it, too, requires of philosophic thought to seek the truth and nothing but the truth. On its part, it offers sharp opposition to every attack upon the self-sufficiency of theoretical thought. Moreover, it should be kept in mind, that the radical criticism which the philosophy of the cosmonomic Idea exercises may in no part be understood as a judgment as to the personal religious condition of a thinker. Such a judgment does not belong to man and lies entirely outside the intention of our philosophy. We know, after all, that in the heart of the Christian himself the apostate selfhood and the selfhood redirected to God wage a daily warfare.
But this full truth will be impressed by the radical self-criticism which the philosophy of the cosmonomic Idea requires of the thinker: The proclamation of the self-sufficiency of philosophic thought signifies the withdrawal of that thought from Christ as the new religious root of our cosmos. This cannot proceed from Him, but necessarily issues from the root of existence which has fallen away from God.
(Herman Dooyeweerd, New Critique of Theoretical Thought, Vol I, p 137)