mardi, novembre 07, 2017

Gordon Brown’s book; an exercise in self-serving post-rationalisation? by Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp ('Business for Scotland')

Gordon Brown’s book; an exercise in self-serving post-rationalisation?
by Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp 
'Business for Scotland' (7 Nov 2017)

Have we collectively lost our ability to be outraged by the blatant double-standards and democratic injustice that defiles our democracy?  Well I got my outrage back this week. Gordon Brown has a new book out and in it he claims the bankers who caused the collapse in 2007 should have been jailed. And that we were taken to war in Iraq having been lied to by the USA (Brown of course says he didn’t know this at the time – funny how everyone else did!)

[...] No, it was the inadequacy of Gordon Brown as a chancellor and prime minister that ushered in the collapse of the state as a credible institution, where respect for the political elites was undermined as they were exposed as all at sea in the face of a crisis they didn’t understand and couldn’t see coming.

Brexit, unaffordable housing, rising inequality, austerity and the rise of extreme groups in politics are all simply the inevitable consequences of Brown’s inadequacies and however he tries to reinvent history, that hard truth will remain.

[...] If that happens, however, Brown will probably publish a book called ‘How I Saved The World From Politicians Like Me’.
