mercredi, avril 27, 2016

THE DECISION with James Kelly (YouTube)

Published on Apr 27, 2016
THE DECISION with James Kelly
James Kelly of ScotGoesPop guides us around the Holyrood electoral system and the controversial list vote. The Holyrood 2016 vote is a key moment for the independence movement and it is critical that a strong pro-indy majority is elected; something the system itself was designed to prevent. James looks at other parliamentary models from around the world that influenced the Holyrood system and gives a 2 minute illustration of the much misunderstood D’Hondt model that determines the overall make up of the Scottish Parliament. The list/2nd vote has been much discussed and James examines the case for this and the dangers of second guessing the unpredictable Holyrood system. James argues it's a gamble that could lead to a major set-back for independence. 
