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'Winter landscape with skaters' by Hendrick Avercamp, 1608 |
"In the resting pre-theoretical intuition we have an enstatic conscious ‘Erleben’ of the full temporal reality as it presents itself in the typical structures of individuality and their relations. This conscious ‘Erleben’ or ‘Hineinleben’ into reality primarily unfolds itself in the integral experience of temporal reality to which any kind of theoretical meaning-synthesis is still alien." (A New Critique of Theoretical Thought, II, 474; II, 409).
"And Dooyeweerd does not view enstasis as a separation from the body. For Dooyeweerd, enstasis is the relation of our supratemporal selfhood to temporal reality. As we have seen, he emphasizes that our selfhood enters into temporal reality. And our body is the temporal expression of our selfhood. Pietism and spiritualistic types of mysticism aim for a separation from the body, but Dooyeweerd rejects any disembodied spirituality. From our naïve state of rest, we move out in our theory. We then return to the rest of naïve experience, to enstasis, but it is a deepened naive experience." ('Enstasy, Ecstasy and Religious Self-reflection: A history of Dooyeweerd’s Ideas of pre-theoretical experience' by Dr J. Glenn Friesen, 2011)
"Anns an imfhios fhoiseil roi-theòiriceil tha sinn mothachail air 'Erleben' eanstàtach dhen làn fhìorachd thìmeil ga nochdadh fhèin ann an structairean tupagach na h-indibhidealachd agus an cuid dhàimhean. Bidh mothachadh air an 'Erleben' no 'Hineinleben' seo air an fhìorachd thìmeil ga fhosgladh fhèin gu sònraichte nar fiosrachadh co-iomlan mus dèan sinn suntasas-brìghe teòiriceil sam bith." (Herman Dooyeweerd, Critìg Ùr dhen Smuain Theòiriceil)