samedi, février 21, 2015

Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp: Deutsche Bank - incomprehensible contradiction & indefensible union

Deutsche Bank: 
the incomprehensible contradiction
 and the indefensible union
by Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp (14 Feb 2015)

Deutsche Bank on the 13th of September last year claimed that a Yes vote would go down in history as a political and economic crisis for Scotland as big as the Great Depression in the US, has just published a report that states that Scotland is one of wealthiest regions across Europe and can make the case that it would prosper by seceding and going it alone.

The 'Great Depression' headline was one of the most outlandish and frankly ridiculous scare stories of the whole independence campaign.  It came as part of the call from Downing Street for big business to come to the aid of the floundering No campaign...