lundi, juin 30, 2014

Unionists retreat to Fortress BBC as the final battle nears

Fortress BBC Scotland - Pacific Quay, Glasgow.
(This image may be freely re-used in pro-Scottish-independence contexts- if unchanged and not-for-profit) 
Unionists retreat to Fortress BBC 
as the final battle nears
by G.A.Ponsonby (28 June 2014)

The referendum campaign entered a new phase last week - the TV debates.

Last weekend the Sunday Herald revealed that First Minister Alex Salmond had accepted Alistair Darling's 'anytime, anywhere' challenge to a live TV head-to-head.

STV stole a march on its BBC rival and set up a mouth-watering clash between Salmond and one of either David Cameron or Alistair Darling.  If Cameron refused to appear by July 16th, said Salmond, then he'd meet Darling when the Commonwealth Games finished.

Despite initially welcoming the statement from the First Minister to a debate with Darling, crowing that they'd smoked him out, the Better Together campaign then performed a shock volte-face.

STV were given the elbow and the broadcaster was accused of bowing to pressure from Alex Salmond by agreeing to a post-Games date.  That the First Minister's stance had not altered one jot since Better Together had welcomed his initial statement, mattered not.

Alarm bells should have rung when it emerged that on the same day Darling withdrew from the STV debate a mysterious, and hitherto unreported, invite from the BBC had been proffered to the No campaign.  It saved Darling's skin and allowed the anti-Independence alliance to claim their man was still prepared to debate Salmond.  How fortuitous I thought.
Read full article HERE
See also -
Academic calls on media to end news blackout of BBC-Bias study
  By Anne-Marie O'Donnell (1 July 2014)

An academic from the University of the West of Scotland, Professor John Robertson, has accused the BBC of bullying after he carried out research which highlighted an apparent bias in favour of the No campaign in coverage of the Scottish independence referendum. 

Professor Robertson told how senior BBC Scotland figures reported him to senior staff at the university after the research was published, and how the broadcaster's head of policy and corporate affairs wrote to his employer in "aggressive terms".

Read full article HERE
Luchd-an-Aonaidh a' teicheadh ri Daingneach a' BhBC, 's am blàr mu dheireadh a' tighinn faisg oirnn
le G.A.Ponsonby (28 Ogmhios 2014)

Ràinig iomairt an Reifrinn ìre ùr air an t-seachdainn sa chaidh - ceist deasbadan TV.

An deireadh-seachdain sa chaidh dh'fhoillsich an Sunday Herald gun robh Alex Salmond air gabhail ri dùlan Alistair Darling a-thaobh deasbad TV beò aghaidh-ri-aghaidh "àm sam bith, àite sam bith".

Rinn STV a' chùis air a' BhBC, a' cur air bhonn sàr chòmhrag eadar Salmond agus an dàrna cuid David Cameron air neo Alistair Darling. Ma dhiùlt Cameron a nochdadh ro Iuchar 16, arsa Salmond, choinnicheadh e ri Darling as dèidh Geamannan a' Cho-fhlathais.

Sa chiad dol-a-mach chuir "Nas Fheàrr Còmhla" fàilte air aonta a' Phrìomh Mhinisteir deasbad a chumail ri Darling, a' bòstadh gun do ghèill e ris a' chuideim a leig iad air. Ach cha mhòr sa bhad dh'atharraich iad an sgeul...

Dhiùlt iad STV, a' cur às leth a' chraoladair gun do chrom e ri cuideam bho Alex Salmond nach gabhadh esan ri ceann-latha ro dheireadh nan Geamannan. Ged nach robh seasamh a' Phrìomh Mhinisteir air atharrachadh idir idir bho àm an fhàilte a chuir Nas Fheàrr Còmhla air aig an toiseach, is iad a bha coma.

Bu chòir dhuinn air amharas a ghabhail nuair a thàinig e am follais gur ann air an dearbh là a tharraing Darling a-mach às an deasbad STV a chaidh cuireadh dìomhair, gun sanas ro làimh, a thairgsinn leis a' BhBC ris an iomairt Cha Bu Chòir. Shàbhail seo craiceann Dharling agus cheadaich e dhan caidreachas contra-neo-eisimeileachd a bhith cumail orra ag ràdh gun robh an Darlingeach fhathast deònach deasbad a dhèanamh ri Salmond. Abair fòrtanach, smaoinich mi.

Leugh an còrr dhen airtigeal sa Bheurla 