vendredi, mai 30, 2014

“English Scots for Yes”

An Englishman not abroad
 by Math Campbell-Sturgess (May 30, 2014)

Why would an Englishman vote for Scottish independence? Why would a whole group of English people vote Yes? It’s a question I’ve been asked many times, and which the group I helped to co-found last week, “English Scots for Yes”, intends to answer.

....Over the next few weeks and months left in this campaign, we intend to go all over Scotland, attend as many meetings as we can and talk to as many English Scots as possible and let them know that this is NOT what the independence debate is about.

...And we’ll let them know that we are not alone – that there are an increasing number of their fellow countrymen who like them were born and raised in England, but chose to live here, and that recognise that the best people to lead Scotland, make the decisions that need made, right the wrongs of unelected governments past, and represent us to the world, are the people that live and work here.

No matter where they were born or raised, or what their accent sounds like; they are Scots. We are all Scots. And we’re voting Yes.

Read full article HERE
