mardi, décembre 17, 2013

Dooyeweerd: Historicism & Max Weber

Max WEBER (1864-1920, Wikipedia)
     In the so-called cultural sciences we meet with a typological method which 
clearly betrays its origin from a historicist view of temporal reality. We mean the ideal-typical method introduced in sociology by the German scholar MAX WEBER. Historicism denies in principle that the different types of modern social relationships such as marriage, family, State, Church, trade, or those of a primitive society, are founded in constant structural principles which determine their inner nature. From the absolutized historical viewpoint [see chart below for location] it can discover nothing but individual transitory cultural phenomena involved in a continuous change and development. In this line of thought WEBER conceived the typological concepts of sociology as relatively arbitrary constructions of the human mind, in which certain empirical historical traits of the different social relationships are intentionally exaggerated to gain an "ideal type". 
(Herman Dooyeweerd, New Critique of Theoretical Thought, Vol III p 82)
(Also called Aspects/ Modes of Consciousness/ 
Modalities/ Modes of Meaning)

No aspect can be reduced to another - 
not even to Logic (ie the Analytical Aspect)