Let Us Not
Yet Speak of Love
(On our son's recovery of movement after 3 months of total paralysis in 1990 when he was 7 years old)
Let us not
yet speak of love
but rather
of what love means -
That we who
were not
and yet now
that we who
are called forth
and clothed
with dust of earth
or star
as God at
first called forth the Light
from the
unspeakable maw of Night;
That we who might not have been
yet have
who given
all of timeless Time
live now
not then
anywhere but here
Let us not
yet speak of love
(which is
too easy and too difficult)
but rather
of what love means -
That we who
now speak
that we who
turn to look
that we who
are not rock
nor ice
can reach
with liquid grace,
with liquid grace,
can choose
to open
or to close
both hand and face.
That we who
were not
can now
and look
and look
and speak
That we who
are not rock
but dust of
earth or star
can muster
mirth to laugh,
can stir
the voice to sing,
can turn
and by
God's grace
can speak
forth Light
can turn
and look
into the
dreadful face of Night
and speak
speak forth Light.
from “Bogha-frois san Oidhche/ Rainbow in
the Night”, The Handsel Press, 1997)
See also "A Poem for Dionne"
See also "A Poem for Dionne"