jeudi, juillet 26, 2012

Salmond's Fatal Misjudgement?

Salmond's Fatal Misjudgement?

What dark battle-angel whispered duplicitously in their ears? 

Yesterday the prospect of Scottish independence surely receded significantly as Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon lost focus on the venerable cause, forsook (as Scots were ever wont) the favourable high ground of consensus, and abruptly redirected their troups (almost in mid-charge) towards a globally notorious moral precipice. 

In what will most likely prove to be the SNP's terminally-defining enterprise, it is rather startling to find former main adversary David Cameron recast as principal hope and ally. The UK Tory leader now stands to gain at one fortuitous sweep a re-secured British Scotland plus Holyrood's support for his social agenda. The normally sure-footed Salmond and Sturgeon seem to have been comprehensively beguiled in this instance by the relentless glamorizing spin of humanism's (misguided but non-negotiable) certitude: "It is the right thing to do"

Beyond the calamitous splitting of an already less-than-solid independence movement, the extent of collateral damage remains to be seen. It is unlikely to be slight. Despite the impression perpetuated (whether cynically or just simplistically) by the media that misgivings are essentially the preserve of unreconstructed ecclesiastical "marriage celebrants", reservations are in fact far more pervasive. Beginning with schools and public service, but eventually enveloping every workplace, all of society will be brought into line. "Equality" lobbies will make sure Government stays on task, if necessary appealing to the European Court of Human Rights (which of course outranks Westminster, never mind Holyrood). The law will be the law. The successful equation with racism (in the Establishment mind) means conscientious dissent can only be for ignorant and/or prejudiced reasons. Thus the Government has concluded that "it's the right thing to do". On what moral basis therefore can they allow anyone's "conscience" to demur?

You may find some of the following of interest:

A philosophical/cultural analysis based on the "ground-motives" of Herman Dooyeweerd: Drawing a Line in Shifting Sands

Comprehensive, culturally-engaged, historical-contextual Biblical analysis:

Multi-authored book with particular Scottish relevance:
Embracing Truth: Homosexuality and the Word of God

Online book of scientific and statistical relevance:
My Genes Made Me Do It! - Homosexuality and the scientific evidence

Christian Institute news monitor: