lundi, octobre 24, 2011

SOLAS: Centre For Public Christianity

Introducing Solas

     The purpose of Solas is to bring the light and love of the Good News of Jesus Christ into the context of 21st Century European culture. In response to those that seek to exclude Christianity from the public arena with their all encompassing, negative and intolerant claims, we promote the positive teaching and example of Christ. To this end we will work with all Christians; training, equipping, proclaiming, serving and teaching to the glory of God, for the sake of all humanity and the environment in which we live.
     Our belief is that Europe was founded upon and largely owes its culture and existence to Christianity but that there is a retreat from Christianity going on today. We believe that the rejection of Christianity into an ill-defined and untried secular humanism is at best a plunge into dangerous waters, and at worst, a return to the Dark Ages. Therefore we aim to enable people to reclaim their Christian heritage, embrace the renewing grace of God and exemplify Christ in all things.
     We intend to do this by promoting vigorous public engagement on a number of fronts. Christianity is applicable to every area of modern life and through the development of differing focus areas we will seek to demonstrate how public engagement can happen. We will encourage Christians and churches to use the arts, philosophy, music, history, society, media, medicine, science, theology and the community of the Church, to express and teach the Christian faith, as given to us in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. We seek to represent Christ, his church and his word against all the misrepresentations that exist in much of our secular media. We will run conferences, training courses and develop high quality media resources that help all Christians. We will work in partnership with individual churches and Christian organisations to enable them to fulfill the Great Commission.
Soli Deo Gloria


The submission is written by Gordon Wilson the former leader of the SNP and chairman of Solas, and David Robertson, the director of Solas and minister of St Peter's Free Church in Dundee.  Solas is an ecumenical Christian charity whose aim is to promote the positive teaching of Christianity in the public sphere.