Slik før de lange skip, da harde hender
holdt Skottlands øyer under røveråket
(ennu gjentar vår munn Norrøna språket).
Da var vi fiender, nu er vi frender.
Nei, Norges kjøler fører ikke nu
den gamle terror gjennom storm og bølger.
Krigsbrødre, følgende det håp vi følger,
velkommen til vårt land far havets gru.
- George Campbell Hay / Deòrsa Mac Iain Dheòrsa (1942)
Scotland to the North Sea Farers
Thus in times past the longship, when hard hands
held Scotland's isles firm under the plunderer's yoke
(still our mouths repeat the Norse language).
Then we were enemies, now we are friends.
No, Norway's keels no longer carry
the old terror through storm and waves.
Brothers of war, you who are following the hope we follow,
welcome to our country from the ocean's terror.
(English Translation by Dr Arne Kruse)
Alba do na Maraichean a Tuath
Dh'fhalbh linn na birlinn, eileanan Albann
fo chuing spùinneadair le cruaidh-ghreim
(tha fhathast nar beòil blàs Lochlannais).
Bu naimhdean sinn, is càirdean sinn a-nis.
Cha toir druim-luinge Nirribhidh tuilleadh
an oillt àrsaidh ud tro stoirm is thuinn.
A bhràithrean-cogaidh, a leanas an aon dòchas ruinn,
fàilte dhar dùthaich à uabhas a' chuain.
(eadar-theangachadh Gàidhlig le FMF)