jeudi, janvier 20, 2011


"Each ann an Tìrdhreach" le Franz MARC (1910)
An t-analoid cànanach sa chèill 
ESTÈATAICH mhodalaich.
The lingual analogy in the modal 
AESTHETIC meaning.
     If it is true that a lingual analogy is essential to the modal meaning-structure of the juristic aspect, then it is implicitly admitted that in the original modal meaning of harmony [aesthetic modality] there is necessarily also a lingual analogy. For it has appeared that the modal meaning of the former [ie the juridical modality] is directly founded in the aesthetic modality.
     It is generally conceded that aesthetic meaning cannot exist without its symbolic lingual substratum as far as works of art are concerned. But the modal meaning of the aesthetic law-sphere is not only expressed in works of art, but also in the beauty of nature (not subjectively, but objectively). The objective beauty of nature is also founded in a symbolic meaning-substratum. An animal may have a sensory feeling of pleasure when it is impressed by the sight of a sunlit landscape. The aesthetic harmony of the scene, however, can only be apprehended on the basis of an awareness of its symbolic substratum, its symbolizing signification.
     The aesthetic harmony of a natural object, or of a complex of natural objects is necessarily a signified meaning.
     The beauty of nature is signified to those who are susceptible to aesthetic harmony, in the colours, the effect of light, the sounds, the spatial relations of nature etc. If these sensorily perceptible colours, sounds, etc., do not signify anything to the spectator or the listener he cannot experience the aesthetic harmony of a landscape, because this harmony cannot be apprehended in its original modal meaning by sensory perception alone, although it is indissolubly bound up with the sensory side of the landscape.
(Herman Dooyeweerd, New Critique of Theoretical Thought, Vol II/ Part I/ Chapt 2/§4 p 139)