mercredi, mars 17, 2010

Who is Killing Us?/ Cò Tha Gar Marbhadh?

"An t-olc mòr seo - co às a tha e tighinn?
Ciamar an do shiolp e a-steach dhan t-saoghal?
Dè an sìol, dè am freumh bhon a dh'fhàs e?
Cò tha dèanamh seo?
Cò tha gar marbhadh?
A' goid bhuainn beatha is solais,
a' magadh oirnn le aiteal de na dh'fhaodadh a bhith ann?
Am dèan ar sgrios feum dhan talamh?
An cuidich e le fàs an fheòir 's le deàrrsadh na grèine?
A bheil an dorchadas seo nad bhroinn-sa cuideachd?
An deach thusa tron oidhche seo?"
(Bhon fhilm "An Loidhne Chaol Dhearg" stiùirte le Terrence Malick)
"This great evil - where’s it come from? 
How’d it steal into the world? 
What seed, what root did it grow from? 
Who’s doing this? 
Who’s killing us?
Robbing us of life and light,
Mocking us with the sight of what we might have known? 
Does our ruin benefit the earth?
Does it help the grass to grow and the sun to shine? 
Is this darkness in you too? 
Have you passed through this night?"
(From the film "The Thin Red Line" directed by Terrence Malick)