Jonathan Chaplin
"Is e prìomh cheist aig cridhe a' chòmhstri sa bheil comainn Crìosdaidh an sàs an ceartair co-dhiù a bheil cuid de sheasamhan teagasgail no mòralta - gu sònraichte a thaobh fearas-feise - dhen aon gnè ri gràin-cinnidh, agus mar sin àraidh air an casg mar sheasamhan claon-riaghailteach, no a bheil iad nas coltaiche ri barailean ideòlach chomann pàrtidh-phoilitigeach no feimineach, agus mar sin àraidh air an dìonadh.
...Uill, ciamar am bu chòir dhan cheist sin fhuasgladh?"
...Uill, ciamar am bu chòir dhan cheist sin fhuasgladh?"
["A key question at the heart of the recent conflict involving Christian societies is whether certain doctrinal or moral standpoints—notably on homosexual sex—fall into the same category as racism and so merit proscription as arbitrary, or whether they are more like the ideological convictions of party political or feminist societies and so merit protection.
...Well, how should that question be resolved?"]
...Well, how should that question be resolved?"]
Living with Liberalism: understanding regimes of tolerance (Jonathan Chaplin, 2006)